Monday, August 11, 2008

Charles Chaplin paintings

Charles Chaplin paintings
Douglas Hofmann paintings
Diane Romanello paintings
Their world has a larger sun than ours and is farther from it, so, though its spin and tilt are much the same as Earth's, its year lasts about twenty-four of ours. And the seasons are correspondingly large and leisurely, each of them six of our years long.
On every plane and in every climate that has a spring, spring is the breeding time, when new life is born; and for creatures whose life is only a few seasons or a few years, early spring is mating time, too, when new life begins. So it is for the Ansarac, whose span is, in their terms, three years.
They inhabit two continents, one on the equator and a little north of it, one that stretches up towards the north pole; the two are joined by a long, mountainous bridge of land, as the Americas are, though it is all on a smaller scale. The rest of the world is ocean, with a few archipelagoes and scattered large islands, none with any human population except the one used by the Interplanary Agency.
The year begins, Kergemmeg said, when in the cities of the plains and deserts

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